Friday, January 25, 2013

So much to pack, so very little suitcase space

I'm what most people would consider a pack rat. I also like to put off packing until the very last moment. The combination of the two means that my packing usually consists of dumping arm-fulls of clothing into suitcases, crossing my fingers that my luggage is under the weight limit, and only actually using about a third of what I pack.

Hey. I'm Ally. And I hope I just gave you a great first impression of myself. Here, have another.

That's me, just casually eating our traditional Thanksgiving dinner at the Gettysburg College dining center, after getting back from my appointment at the health center where I was prescribed antibiotics for strep even though it turned out that I actually had a virus. If there are any strep throat super-bugs running around in a few months, my bad. You can't really tell from this picture (or maybe you can, who knows), but with my incredibly inflamed throat, this was definitely the most painful Thanksgiving meal I've ever had.

In two days, I'll be in England. That fact has nothing to do how germ-y I was during Thanksgiving, but it does have to do with packing. Packing for a few weeks is hard enough - packing for a few months has been almost impossible. Plus, knowing me, I'll land at Heathrow Airport and realize that I forgot something crucial, like socks.

(Nope, I just checked and I already packed my socks.)

At least I got to stop packing for a little while and have a cake break.

My 21st birthday is in a week and a half, thus the candles. And my name may be misspelled, but it tasted delicious, and when it comes to cake that's all I care about.

Now that we're talking about cake, I think it's time for one last American midnight snack...



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